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Kingdom Builders

We are
Kingdom Builders

Kingdom Builders are a group of fully committed individuals and families who prayerfully commit to give, over and above their tithes, to global missions, local ministry expansion and next generation leaders.

Kingdom builders create a PLAN on how they will give. They have a VISION for what God wants to do through them. And, they have a DREAM for how God has called them to be generous. 

2024 Kingdom Builders Goal


Thank You Realife!

We are living in a miracle. I know we say that all the time, but it’s true. God has given Realife Church the opportunity to minister to our county, reach our nation, evangelize the world, and raise the next generation of students to do the same.

This year as we continue to partner with some of the best missionaries and missions partners around the globe, I pray that God would give us a heart to multiply. Multiply our visions for what he can do here in Hancock County. Multiply what you can do in your community and multiply our efforts as we reach our world for Jesus!

Let it be also said of us like it was of the early church,The church then had peace throughout Judea, Galilee, and Samaria, and it became stronger as the believers lived in the fear of the Lord. And with the encouragement of the Holy Spirit, it also grew in numbers.”. (Acts 9:31)

Thank you for your continued prayer and generosity as Kingdom Builders. We can not do all that God has called us to alone, but together we can reach the world for His Kingdom.

Plan. Dream. Vision.

Giving Opportunities in 2024

February 25th | Priority One

March 31 | One Day to Change the World

June 9 | Rwanda Project

August 11 | Project Rescue

October 24 | KB Banquet

December 1 | Christmas Offering

Frequestion Asked Qustions

These projects only get funded by the over and above giving to Kingdom Builders. When you give to Kingdom Builders, God’s marvelous Kingdom expands.

You can give to Kingdom Builders any time by visiting our Give page or using the Realife App. Simply select “Kingdom Builders” from the Fund menu. You can also use a giving envelope during one of our Weekend Services. Just mark your envelope accordingly.

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At Realife Church, we believe that every Christ-follower is called to tithe (give 10%) of their full income to their local church. Kingdom Builders is giving above and beyond our tithe. It is generous and sacrificial giving that God lays on each individual heart to impact the world.

We would love to answer any additional questions you may have. Please email [email protected].

We want to be obedient and strategic with our giving over and above the tithe.

Plan: Ask God what you can do consistently. Make a plan – put it in your budget and give that amount each week, month, or year. 

Vision: Ask God to give you a vision for what you can do to help the Kingdom of God grow locally, nationally, and around the world. Be strategic about it and ask God to fulfill that vision through you!

Dream: Have a dream. What if God were to bless you above and beyond what you could ever imagine? What would you love to do?

We are Kingdom Builders. More than just the giving of finances, we desire for God’s Kingdom to grow and more people to hear about Jesus!